The Certificate

"If we practice the science of yoga, which is useful to the entire human community and which yields happiness both here and hereafter - if we practice it without fail, we will then attain physical, mental, and spiritual happiness, and our minds will flood towards the Self."

Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

It is Sunday morning and I have just finished my last led class of this trip. A couple of days ago I went to visit Sharath (my teacher) to remind him that I am leaving on Wednesday to be home in time for an important wedding. At that time he informed me that I will get my certificate. I, in turn, informed my family and close friends.

But what is a certificate and why has everyone been asking me if I will get this paper? After fielding many inquiries about the document, I too began to talk to friends and family of its importance. But what does this paper prove? To many, unfortunately, I think it signifies an ending, a completion. To me, it is a beginning.

I return home to teach with my teacher's blessing, an Authorized Ashtanga teacher. But my learning continues. My teachers, my students, and the One Ultimate Guru, will guide me, and India has her lessons as well. I look forward to returning to her as a student instead of as a teacher, and surrendering to her timely trials.

To those who have supported me in this leg of my journey I give my deepest gratitude. Please reach out to me, especially for yoga therapy, for those who are sick or have pain physically or mentally. I am here for you and I pray you will take the benefit of my learnings.